Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week of March 31st

I hope everyone had a relaxing spring break.  We have now entered the stretch run of the school year.  The calendar will soon be changing to April and before we know it, May.  Here is some important information for this week:

Tuesday - McDonalds Fundraiser - McDonald's will be donating a portion of the sales between 5-8PM on Tuesday night to CCIS.  Students will be given a coupon to bring home that needs to be presented upon purchasing your meal.  This is great way for CCIS to raise some extra money.

Wednesday - Last day to register for the "Donuts for Dad" or "Muffins for Mom" events.  Please call the main office if you would like to register.

Friday - Baseball Day - As the Major League Baseball season kicks off this week, we will be celebrating it by having a baseball day in our classroom.  All of the lessons on Friday will be baseball related.  Throughout the day, students will be able to enjoy food that they might eat if they were to attend a baseball day.  Go Cubs!