Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28th

Here is some important information for this week:

Picture retakes are tomorrow, October 29th.  Any student that wishes to get retakes must bring in their original packet of pictures.  Students that were absent on picture day will also get their pictures taken.

If students would like to dress-up for Halloween, they are asked to bring in a non-perishable good item that we will donate to the food pantry.  Students can bring this item in any day before Thursday.

We will be taking our topic 5 math test on Tuesday.  We will go through a practice test today and students will have it to review.

Just a reminder, CCIS T-Shirt orders are due this coming Friday.  Please get those sent in this week.

We are entering our final week of Unit 2 in reading.  We will have a spelling test and project due this week.  There will be no spelling test or project next week as we will have our Unit 2 Reading Skills test.

Here is this week's Spelling Review.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week of October 21st

This week is also Red Ribbon Week.  Here are the different dress-up days for the week:

Monday, October 21- Hats off to a drug free CCIS (hat day)
Tuesday- Too bright for drugs (neon colors and sunglasses day)
Wednesday- Follow your dreams and be drug free (PJ day)
Thursday- Sock it to drugs (crazy sock day)

On Monday, I will be sending home a pumpkin with each student.  Each student is to decorate the pumpkin however they would like.  Decorated pumpkins need to be returned to school by Thursday.  Parents and other teachers will be voting on the pumpkins during Conferences.  Students will have a list of rules for the contest as well.

We will be taking our Social Studies test over Geography and Climate on Wednesday.  We will be playing a review game in class on Tuesday.

This Thursday is an 11:35AM dismissal.  It will also be our first Positive Behavior (PBS) Assembly.  All students will attend and those that have received Coaler Cash throughout the school year will be able to use those to try to win other prizes at the assembly.  

Here is this week's Spelling Review.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week of October 15th

With the holiday on Monday and our Brookfield Zoo field trip on Tuesday, we have a very shortened week.  Here is some important information:

Tuesday - Brookfield Zoo Field Trip - Make sure to pack a disposable lunch and dress appropriately for the weather.  PSO tickets are due today.

Wednesday - Topic 4 Math Test, CCIS Musical Meeting

Thursday - Reading Selection Test

Friday - Tech Day - Students may bring a piece of technology in to use at different points throughout the day.  Students are responsible for their items.

Here is this week's Spelling Review.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  Here are the list of dress-up days:

Monday, October 21- Hats off to a drug free CCIS (hat day)

Tuesday- Too bright for drugs (neon colors and sunglasses day)

Wednesday- Follow your dreams and be drug free (PJ day)

Thursday- Sock it to drugs (crazy sock day)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week of October 7th

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 24th, and Friday, October 25th.  I will be handing out the sign-up schedules to the kids to take home.  Conference sign-ups are on a first come/first serve basis.  Please give me your top 3 choices, and I will do my best to try to get you one of those times. 

On Wednesday of this week the 4th grade will be walking to the high school to watch part of the middle school’s performance “Annie.”  We will be leaving at 8:15AM and returning about 10:30AM.  Also, Wednesday is 'wear pink' day in honor of breast cancer awareness month.

Pick-up for those students that sold candy apples is Thursday from 3:00-4:30PM after school at the Intermediate School.  Students are responsible to pick-up all of their orders.  

PSO Fundraiser tickets are to be turned into the office by Tuesday, October 15th.  If a student has sold all of their tickets and would like more, they can pick those up in the main office.

This week is Fire Prevention Week.  The Coal City Fire Department will be visiting a few times throughout the week to discuss fire safety.  This is a good time to review escape routes and fire safety plans at home with your children.  

We will be having a Region Quiz on Friday over the Midwest Region.  There are 5 important cities for the students to know.

Here is this week's Spelling Review.